Sunday 28 March 2010

What is Hot?

A seemingly simple question, however the way my Blob has been carrying on this weekend, you would assume that she hadn't quite worked it out!
  • Pan handles left over a burning gas ring are hot.
  • The cast iron door handle on the woodburner when its burning is hot.
  • The water out of the kettle when it has boiled is hot.
  • Lead free solder when touched by a soldering iron is very very hot.
  • Metal zips straight out of the drying cycle are hot.
Blob must have forgotten however she is now well aware of all the above! Any one who remotely cares about Blob should perhaps not think too hard about this - but she wants me to tell you that she is ok and that Blisters show character - or is that scars - or perhaps tattoos?

It appears that she can't remember what Blisters show exactly. I would hazard a guess that Blisters show a degree of absent mindedness, carelessness, an inability to focus on the task in hand - or perhaps early onset dementia.

Looking at her mother I would suggest that the latter is probably the most likely.

Blob wants it known that Colin Firth in wet jodphurs is also hot, but lets face it, if she ever gets close enough to Colin Firth with or without the wet jodphurs to actually burn herself then Ill eat that rubbish cat food from Asda she bought and then had to donate to Cats Protection.

Bed time now because I lost an hour last night and am likely to be tired and sleepy until the clocks go back in October.


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