Thursday 1 April 2010

Another long weekend!

The blob who feeds me does not believe in Easter, and does not in fact pay much attention to the Wiccan Eostar, but she does believe in Lovely Long Weekends.

She believes in long lie ins, toasted hot cross buns, planting potatoes and carrots.

She believes in Doctor Who (Not Doctor Potato Head Who - as mentioned by a friend who will remain nameless!) and Johnathan Creek, and she believes in the last ever Frost (alledgedly in two parts and will no doubt collide with Johnathan Creek and she thought the last one was the last one and what are they going to do this time - I spect he'll pop his mortal coil in this one - or will they want to leave it open for another 'last ever one' at Christmas?)

She believes in warm friends to visit and lots of tea to drink.

She is hoping that the weather holds because she wants to finish tidying up the garden before her mothers imminent visit next week, and once the garden is sorted, there is less likelihood of her tramping mud in on her clean floor!

She is so eager in fact for her long weekend that she is starting tonight by going to the sofa shop to look at a new sofa and then following that up with a visit to her friend Tina who apparently has been seeing some bloke - and Blob wants the details!

She also thinks that if she times it right, she can pop into Tescos on the way home and get all her groceries before bed time, and as long as there is Bob food included in that, then its fine by me!.

She has written a list of things she needs to do before Tuesday:
  • Clean House
  • Tidy Garden
  • Plant Veg
  • Visit Alison and Denise
  • Pop in and see her sister
  • Watch Dr Who
  • Watch Johnathan Creek
  • Buy Sofa
  • Watch Frost
  • Visit Tina
  • Speak to man about being a Scout Volunteer.
  • Drink Tea
  • Drink Coffee
  • Make sure she drinks 8 pints of water a day or something like that
  • Do laundry
  • Tidy Bedroom (This needs a separate entry from Clean House, because it is in quite a different league of mess)
  • Get deliveries from Ebay purchase
  • Get deliveries from Catalogue purchase
  • Visit Chris and help her with her computer then have nice supper with Chris, Rachel and Kathryn.
  • Do Grocery shopping.
All the above in no particular order!

Well good luck with that is what I say!


1 comment:

  1. You missed off eating hot cross buns! I shall be making hot cross buns this weekend, although I shall have to leave out dried fruit from half the batch due to SOMEONE at the Manor being picky about currants and sultanas and the such like.

    And if you do make visit, you shall be greeted with much cake and tea and friendship. And maybe call ahead in case we are out as it would be pants to miss you because we are in the pursuit of beekeeping stuff or other such malarkey.

    Hurrah for long weekends! May much be done, and much be reflected upon, and many plans made for the future.

    And is WAS ME who called him Doctor Potato Head Who, COZ HE IS!!!!!
