Monday 15 March 2010

More Big Cats!

Its getting worse - she has been playing on the internet and discovered the second biggest domestic cat.

Surprisingly enough its not me!

We are now looking at pictures of Norwegian Forest Cats.

I have no idea what is going through her mind at the moment - I mean, who would want to live with a cat that looks like this:
She can look all she wants, I have no problem with her window shopping.

As long as its me that gets to follow her about, trip her up, wipe my feet on her laundry, and take over two thirds of the bed every night.

Like I said, not on my watch!


1 comment:

  1. Hold fast, Bob. You could drown in a cat like that. I'd get a fluorescent life jacket to paw if I were you. Just in case. I know how impetuous your Blob can be.
