Thursday 4 March 2010

Cornwall? Part 2

This is a continuation of the strange tale of Blobs Mother and her move to Cornwall.

For the rest of the year Blob barely heard from her mother, however via several conversations with her sister we ascertained the following:

  • Mother lived in a house in a state of squallor that even my Blob wouldn't lower herself to without reaching for a mop.
  • She had tried to improve her house by getting a conservatory attached to the back of it, but apparently had not had a particularly good job done of it.
  • She had employed cowboys to bring her house up to a sellable standard. Why she needed americans on horseback with leather hats, chaps and boots to do her house up I have no idea, perhaps its a human thing.
  • They were ripping her off left, right and centre.
  • She had no hot water and had had none for years and had developed a water leak somewhere in her house.
  • She was using the facilities at the local Garden Centre every day because of the lack of facilities at home.
  • She didn't go to an estate agent
  • She didn't have her HIPS pack.
  • She bumped into someone in a queue at the garden centre who suggested that they wanted to buy her house.
  • If her house had been in 'normal' condition, she could perhaps have put it on the market for £250k.
  • In its current condition, it was valued at £150k.
  • She was selling it to this person that she met in a queue in the garden centre for £100k for a quick sale.
  • The quick sale took about 4 months!
All the above was discovered second hand from Blobs sister as well as a plea to see if we couldn't raise £100k so her house wouldn't be basically given away, but neither of us could raise that sort of money.

Sad but true!

And that brings us to the end of Part 2.


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