Friday 12 March 2010


Blob is having a nearly evening.

She has nearly finished a poem she promised to write for someone (nearly started is probably closer to the truth) and she has until start of play on Monday morning to finish it.

She nearly finished a mothers day card for her mother, and then nearly sent it before she thought better of it. She has nearly been good on her diet this week if you forget about the crisps and chocolate.

She has nearly calmed down after a spitting rage for most of last night and today, and she has nearly decided upon a date to have a lunch party in April.

She is nearly watching Pie in the Sky and has nearly finished a list of 'things to do this weekend'.

Its not just Blob that's in a nearly mood. Blob's Aunty has nearly bought a new bungalow and Blobs sister is nearly 40 years old. They are all at it!

I'm not sure that nearly is good for Blob, she is quite out of sorts.

Perhaps she will be less 'nearly' and more 'definitely' tomorrow.

Meanwhile, I shall continue to be nearly asleep on her knee!


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