Thursday 25 March 2010

A Long Weekend

Today is Thursday and Blob has had a long day. She came home at 9.00 this evening too tired even to be bad tempered. To be fair she had gone to a works do after work, which involved betting on filmed races and eating fish and chips. It was for charity so Blob didn't begrudge the time, but she is eminently relieved that she is not working tomorrow.

Not that she can lounge about in bed all day like a loungy about in bed type of person because she has plans that involve emptying the shed, fixing the swing seat, and sweeping the patio. It also involves tidying up the herbs, getting down and dirty in her compost bin, working out where in the tiniest garden in the world she will be putting her potato bags and carrot sacks. Then she wants to go to Homebase in the 15% off session this weekend for some seedings, normal compost to dilute her extremely rich compost complete with egg shells and tomato seeds, and perhaps a barbeque seeing as the cold weather over winter shattered her chiminea.

All of this, plus the usual tidying, hoovering and general housework that needs to be accomplished during the weekend and a fun afternoon out on Sunday doing a treasure hunt at Chessington World of Adventures.

She has teamed up with three pals from work, and they are calling their team the Grumpy Old Women, although Blob did suggest they called themselves 'Hot Babes on Tour' but seeing as she is younger by the others by at least 10 years (although you wouldn't know it to look at her - especially when her back is bad!) she was shouted down by the Grumpy Old Women and that is what they will be called.

So she is going to bed with a smile on her face and a hypothetical bounce in her step - hypothetical because she has been wearing heels all day and has no bounce left in her step or anywhere else for that matter.

And i particularly love a long weekend - I get to wake her up; I get to rummage about in the flower bed and the shed; I get to get in her way when she's wielding a soldering iron; I get to wait til she has mopped the floor and then drop my food on it, and sit on her clean laundry after i've been tramping about on her chamomile/mud lawn.

Hooray for long weekends, hooray for Blob and most of all, hooray for me.


1 comment:

  1. Hurrah indeed! And hurrah for a Blob-style pep talk over at the Manor.

    I am distressed to hear about your chimenea. Andy was keen to purchase one of these; do they have to be fleeced during Winter to prevent shatterage?

    Anyway, I hope your long weekend has got off to a rip roaring who-hoo start; we are off to do bee-keeping tomorrow - I suspect I shall be smuggling bees home in my coat pockets! (They are v. deep pockets - space for many a-bee.)
