Friday 12 March 2010

Angry doesn't even come close!

Blob is angry, in fact more than angry - here are some words that may come close to describing how Blob is at the moment:

  • Livid
  • Enraged
  • Incandescent
  • Tumultuous
  • Wrathful
  • Ferocious
  • Incensed
  • Choleric

Aren't those good words?

Anyway, Blob is all the above and here is why?

Her mother.

Do I need to say anything further?

The strange thing is that her mother hasn't even directly caused this simmering rage - it was following a phone call with Blob's sister that her mood erupted.

I probably don't have to go into details because anyone that knows my Blob will know what a piece of work her mother is, so I will leave it there.

Hopefully the mood will abate soon - perhaps Blob can go and punch something until her knuckles bleed or perhaps a run until her heart feels like its going to come out of her mouth - anything to get rid of the vile poisons that the hateful woman generates unconsciously into the ether.

Fingers crossed it goes away before tea time. (Not holding out much hope on that one!)


1 comment:

  1. .. they may not mean too, but they do ...
    only i think my mother means to!
