Wednesday 17 March 2010

Nearly Springtime at Wisley

Blob went to Wisley on Monday afternoon. Her Aunty very kindly got her a membership so she can go whenever she wants. I have to point out that she doesn't take me but if she did it would mean a reduction in my sleeping hours which would not be a good thing!

Anyway, its not quite spring yet, but Blob was very impressed with the crocus blanket. So impressed that she took a video of it.

She also likes the Wild Garden and commented that at this time of year it seems wilder than at other times despite the fact there is little much less foliage. She took a video of a very wild looking tree.

It appears that there is more than one type of tree. There are deciduous and evergreens. The deciduous ones get naked in the winter. Heres a picture of one that in the autumn looks like its on fire because of the glorious colour the leaves go. Now however, it is very naked indeed, but Blob reckons that there is something particularly beautiful about naked trees. (No accounting for taste I suppose).

The other sort, the evergreens, are ones that keep their greenery all year. I know about those because there are some opposite my house. The best thing about evergreens is that little birds called 'FireCrest's' live in them. Heres a picture of a FireCrest.

I know that Blob likes birds so i brought her one of these. She wasn't as happy as she could have been and ranted for a bit because apparently they are protected ... not sure what protected means but it put up a damn fine fight before i laid it reverently on her pillow.

I was a bit surprised at her reaction because she used to have a bird. It was a big one called Barnabus and it was about six years ago that Barnabus went quiet. I think she should have fed him to me, but she didn't. She put him in the freezer. (She didn't put the FireCrest in the freezer.) Then one day she took it's little frozen body to her sisters where they planted a witchhazel over it. Witchhazel is a shrubby tree and I only mention it because there was a pretty one in flower at Wisley. So pretty that she took another picture. This one is in memory of Barnabus.

I wonder what she'll do with me when i pop my clogs. If i keep up my sleep marathons, i could die in front of the fire and she wouldn't notice for a week or so. That could be an amusing end!

Talking of dead cats - heres a picture of a cat she found in the Alpine garden hot house. It might have been dead because it didn't move when she moved in for a photo. Apparently its name is Sunny and it lives at Wisley. I wouldn't mind sleeping in a greenhouse all day - I wonder if they have any vacancies?

Must send off for an application form.


1 comment:

  1. Lovely blog - all that nature - love it!! My latest grand plan is to leave teaching and become a gardener - RHS qualifications and everything.

    Me and my grand plans eh? But this blog has given me yet another nudge in the right direction.

    Thank you! xx
