Sunday 28 February 2010

Dinner Rocked!

Well Blob did it. She managed all the things on her list and she cooked a superb meal which was nearly healthy and she and Donna had a fun evening.

There was no starter, but Blob thought that was pretentious for two people and because Donna and Blob are both complete lushes, they drank a bottle of wine and called it a starter.

The main course consisted of a warm chicken and mango salad. It was yummy. She marianaded the chicken pieces in port, ginger, lea and perrins, spring onions, assorted seeds and lemon juice. And I know it was good because I got some of the chicken. This was only because i gave them the choice of 'give me chicken or i will be on the work surface stealing chicken'!

I got a couple of bits but reckon my luck had run out when a cork was hurled in my general direction. She has quite an impressive aim considering the amount of wine she consumed.

With the salad, she served home made bread rolls and butter. ( I got a lick of the butter when Blob wasn't looking. Although I think she may possibly have noticed the tongue marks a bit later.)

For pudding she baked apples stuffed with sultanas, blueberries, cinnamon and ginger and served with home made custard (eggs, skimmed milk, sweetener, vanilla and nutmeg.) It didn't go lumpy or anything.

Anyway, Donna loved it and they both ate and drank until they could eat and drink no more.

Her back was quite bad in the evening, but there was a marked improvement this morning. It only took her about half an hour to be comfortable enough to sit down and believe me - that is a real improvement. This could possibly be due to healing jiggery pokery from Denise. So on the off chance it was - Thank you!

Later this week, we will be posting the long awaited Part 3 of the Mystery of the Cornish Ice Cream or something of that nature.

Can't wait!


1 comment:

  1. Woo-hoo! Hurrah for fab food, hurrah for back feeling a bit better, hurrah in anticipation of Cornish Ice Cream....yummy!!
