Friday 8 January 2010

Snowly does it!

Today I actually went outside. It took a lot of staring out of the window and a lot of concentrated thinking about going out. Finally it took a squirrel making faces at me from the other side of the window. I shouted, Blob opened the door - and Bob's your uncle (well actually Bob is the cat but never mind that.) I went out. I didn't actually catch the squirrel, but I was half way up the fence by the time I realised that I had waded through white stuff to get there.

Blob thinks that I need further encouragement so she showed me this cartoon about another cat who lives with a pink blob called Simon.

I cant't say that I was overly impressed, but Blob laughs a lot when she sees it. There are other cartoons on the Simons Cat website - and Blob chortles to herself when she watches them. Apparently she sees some similarity between me and Simons Cat. I can't say I've seen any common factors but she is entitled to her opinion.

I am now drying my paws in front of the Woodburner and my tummy is full.

Life is good.


1 comment:

  1. I wonder, Bob, if your Blob has ever seen a book called 'Cat Getting Out of a Bag and Other Observations'? It is by a cartoonist called Jeffrey Brown and it is very amusing! The cat featured in it has, in my opinion, an overly large head. But it is chortle-making reading.
