Tuesday 26 January 2010

Am I Bovvered?!

The title of today's episode is so named in honour of Denise who teaches young blobs and has to take a whole load of attitude and back chat for her trouble.

I had to put that because Blob made me and threatened me with rationing if I didn't comply, so all I can say is, "Denise, I hope you are worth it"!

Blob does training for a job. Apparently its a lot easier than teaching, though I wouldn't have known the difference, because the people Blob trains are grown up Blobs and they actually want to be in the classroom. Denise on the other hand has the reluctant and adolescent unwashed to contend with.

I don't do a job. I don't actually have the time, what with keeping Blob, the other Blob and occasional guests in their places. I also have an eighteen hour sleep habit, a 2 hour eating habit and a compulsary once daily patrol of the perimeter.

But what i'm not particularly bovvered about today is Blobs new addiction.

She has joined E-bay and is currently selling all her stuff.

It started with dvd's and the odd cd. She has even managed to foist a Video (no i'm not sure what that is either) on to another unsuspecting mortal. However she is now running round the house and saying "Ooh, I could sell that on E-bay!" every time she sees something.

Even the other Blob has started to lock up her possessions in case she comes home on Monday to discover her room is now aesthetically minimalist.

So far she appears not to be interested in selling my food, my cushion, my mouse or my rug. And the bed is still where i left it, so no worries there then.

So until she starts trying to photograph my belongings and package them up for onward transmission ... like I said ... "Am I Bovvered?"


1 comment:

  1. Thank you kindly Bob. And what an idea! Packaging up kids and selling them on e-bay! I'm pretty sure none of their parents would miss them. But would I find a buyer?? I'd be able to get dead-weight price for them, surely? xx
