Sunday 24 January 2010

Its been a long time since we have had new sushi, so i thought that you may like to meet the guys that are now established in the sushi bar in the kitchen.
The big white and red one is called Talulah, she (who i believe is a he) is second only in the pecking order to the big grey one called Crispin. Now he (who I believe is a she) has been there the longest and has proportionally grown the most.

The pretty orange one with the fan tail is Oliver and i believe that he is actually a she but the names kind of stick. Finally, the yellow one with little black bits is called 'Lucretia'. Now I have no idea whether she is a he she, or a she she, but i do know that she has changed colour from yellow to black to yellow to black and finally back to yellow. Very strange fish indeed.

Anyhow, these pretty little wiggly flashing things are quite lovely and I spend hours appreciating them. Obviously.


1 comment:

  1. Ironically, I once had a cat called Talullah. Whether she liked sushi or not I do not know. But she did like rats and mice, which, unfortunately, became her undoing, as she ingested a fatal dose of poison from one particular rat she caught. Poor girl.
