Tuesday 5 January 2010


Apparently we are making resolutions today. Well, Blob may well be making resolutions but i have been roasting my extremeties in front of the wood burner.

Im not sure how you make a resolution - it appears that its not like making a cake because she didn't go into the kitchen and swear a lot. Its not like making the bed because she doesn't do that. It could be like making a mess because she does that extremely well, but she doesn't limit mess making to once a year.

Apparently they are made metaphorically. So there is nothing to show after you have made them, but they are made just the same.

So here goes with Blobs metaphorical resolutions:
  1. Lose weight.
  2. Host a dinner party every two months (cant see that one helping with the weight loss - but these are Blobs resolutions and who am I to interfere.)
  3. Go visit friends more than just at Christmas.
  4. Be tidier (yeah right that's going to happen!)
And because I don't want to be left out, here are mine:
  1. Eat more
  2. Dine only on lightly poached salmon and grilled chicken.
  3. Attend all of Blobs dinner parties.
  4. Trip up the other Blob at the top of the stairs.
  5. Sleep longer
  6. Fight more
  7. Get more of the duvet
  8. Leave Blob more presents (as and when i get more of the duvet)
  9. And finally, Eat more.
So that's resolutions made for 2010.


1 comment:

  1. Excellent! Efficient, succinct, achievable - what more could you want. Such a wise Bob Cat!!
