Sunday 17 January 2010

It's a Mystery to me!

I overheard Blob talking to her Sister the other day and apparently they have lost their mother.

Not lost as in 'died' but lost as in 'no idea where she is'!

According to Aunt Mary Blob, she has finally completed her sale and purchase of property and has moved to Cornwall. (For those of you that don't know, Cornwall is miles and miles away to the South West. I know this because i can use the internet!)

She has apparently successfully moved, but no contact has been made as to her well being and whereabouts.

Apparently the blobs were expecting a note or a phone call saying that all was well and notifying them of her new address but this hasn't happened. They were also concerned that should their mother get ill, they would be unable to drop everything and get there, but seeing as they have no idea where 'there' is they won't have to worry about that.

That's one of the reasons I live here with Blob - she's not the most attentive of blobs, but if i get sick, she can nurse me back to health at no inconvenience to her.

I am such a considerate cat and shall continue to mastermind the search for Blob's mother from my vantage point in between fire and sofa.


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