Friday 22 January 2010

Big Scary Me!

Last week, or perhaps it was the week before - (time is so hard to keep track of when you sleep 18 hours a day) Blob took her sister and her niece called Amber to a Pantomime.

A Pantomime is by all accounts a theatrical show with a substantial amount of cross dressing, thigh slapping and bawdy jollity.

This particular Pantomime was called Jack and the Beanstalk and was organised by a friend of Blobs called Danny. By all accounts it was a raging success and the night was enjoyed by everybody.

Now as you all know I am a lovable and jolly sort of cat so couldn't believe my whiskers when Amber, having come back to my house in order to use the loo before going home, wouldn't climb the stairs whilst i was sitting on them.

At first I thought it was a mark of respect - similar to walking backwards when faced with royalty, but no, she was actually scared of me.

This is a young blob who thinks nothing of rolling around the living room with a Husky - and believe me, they can be big and fierce, but she is too terrified of me to climb the stairs.

I will never understand Blobs!

I'm not sure that I like being thought of as scary - because where's the fun of taking chunks out of legs as they pass you on the stairs if they expect you to do it? I try hard to cultivate an image of serene aloofness with perchance a soupรงon of feline cordiality. Its no bloody good being scary!

Perhaps this year I shall re-invent myself. I shall muse upon it whilst I have my nap before the kip I have before bedtime.

Its very tiring this blog writing I can tell you.


1 comment:

  1. Personally Bob, as a teacher of the young, I think fear is a very useful tool in making sure they know their place. Because once they get to be teenagers, they suddenly think their place is anywhere they want to be, including plaguing me in my classroom at lunchtime when I want to get on with some work in peace and quiet.

    Feel the force, Bob; feel the fear. Use it whilst it works...
