Sunday 17 January 2010

The snow has gone and Being Human is back on the box.

No more snow and that's a good thing but I am still lying motionless in front of the fire roasting my belly.

Blob buggered off last week to Coventry - we spent two blissful weeks together, cozy and warm in front of the fire - and then off she trots and i dont see her for days.

I yet again threw up everywhere in protest but she still didn't return until last Wednesday. She then went back to work on the Thursday so I am now feeling totally neglected.

Such is the life of an unloved and neglected little cat.

Even though she was back home for the weekend, she spent most of it trying to find a cheap quote for car insurance and getting excited about Being Human having a second series.

I have also watched this BBC drama and am at a loss as to its popularity.

Briefly, the story encompasses the lives or indeed deaths of three supernatural beings that live in a house together whilst trying their best to 'be human' hence the title.

A vampire, a werewolf and a ghost living together is quite absurd and i can only stare at blob in disbelief as she settles down to watch it. I have an inkling that Blob believes that the existence of such supernatural creatures is quite feasible and she is quite oblivious to the fact that i scratch and bite her on a daily basis and she has not yet turned into a werebob on a full moon.

There's no accounting for folks as they say, and there's sure as hell no accounting for Blob.

At least she lives in the real world long enough to feed me and the sushi on a daily basis and for that I am thankful.


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