Friday 9 April 2010

What is Sharp?

Following on from my previous comments on 'What is Hot' where my Blob appeared to burn herself on everything around her, I believe that she now needs lessons on 'Sharp' not to be confused with that rather lovely Sean Bean who plays 'Sharpe'. Note the 'e' on the end. Although to be honest, I would think that she doesn't need lessons when it comes to 'Sharpe'. I suspect that she would know exactly what to do!!

Anyway, we are looking today at 'Sharp'.

A normal human being having spent 20 minutes in the kitchen sharpening all her kitchen knives would perhaps have an inkling that when using said knives they would be 'sharp'.

Let's not go any further into the events of that evening, but needless to say she spent a frantic few minutes trying to staunch the bleeding, and just at the point that she reckoned she probably should get herself to casualty, it began to slow.

She has been sporting a massive micropore and cotton wool dressing on her thumb ever since which is not attractive, especially as she died her roots last night. (Not many people have matching hair and thumb dressings!!

Perhaps she will take it off tonight and check on progress? Best make sure i'm there - if for nothing else but to laugh!


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