Monday 12 April 2010

Mystery of the Missing Pashminas

Blobs mother rang the other day and announced that she would be visiting.

Whilst on the phone, her mother said,

"If someone was to give you a pashmina - what colour would you like?"

"Black or violet" was Blobs response.

"Jolly Good!" said Blobs mother, and that was the end of it.

Whilst talking to Blobs sister, she understood that her sister had the same conversation.

From these two conversations, both Blob and her sister reckoned that their mother would visit and would be bringing pashminas.

I would agree with that assumption, in fact I don't know anyone who wouldn't.

So why, when Blobs mother visited both her and her sister were there no pashminas? Not a one. Not a sniff of one anywhere.

So what Blob and I want to know is, 'Where are the Pashminas?"

I, Bob, who last year solved the mystery of the missing minnows will put my not inconsiderable brain power to this particular mystery and solve it, and I do not need a gang, will not split up and look for clues or be bribed by Scooby Snacks, and I suspect that the solution will not revolve around the Caretaker in a rubber mask.

Gotta go now, have some detecting to do!


1 comment:

  1. I shall stand by my theory that somewhere in your mother's Cornish back garden there stands a confused alpaca dyed purple on one side and turquoise on t'other, awaiting the arrival of pre-Christmas knitting needles.
