Friday 9 April 2010

Dr Who Rocks!

According to Blob that is. I would never deign to watch such rubbish.

Blob was quite in love with both Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant as her beloved Doctor Who, and was more than reticent about the commencement of the new series with the unknown Matt Smith taking the role.

Reticence all gone - she loved him! I know this because all her concentration was focused on the tv during the show and not on me - he must have been good.

Blobs friend Denise was suitably unimpressed by his first episode and one of her main complaints was that he spent the first five minutes on air, spitting food out which would encourage todays youngsters to do so (as if their behaviour wasn't bad enough already!).

Blob does want to point out to Denise that it was AA Milne and Tigger that started the spitting out of food (the chapter that seemed to be parodied on Saturday night), and there wasn't a major trend of spitting out food when that was published so how can we attribute the same to the lovely new Doctor Who (not Doctor Potato Head thank you Denise!)

Blob is looking forward very much to tomorrow nights episode, as well as Over the Rainbow and Casualty. She is especially looking forward to Casualty because she wants the nasty May to be found out and the lovely Nurse Jay to be found innocent.

So much intrigue going on on a Saturday night - its not surprising that she has no social life!!


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