Wednesday 21 April 2010

Dyb Dyb Dyb!

Just as i thought this year couldn't get any worse ... that great big pink blob on two legs that is supposed to be here to feed me, love me and in fact worship me in any which way she can ... has gone and joined the Scouts.

Where she is supposed to get the time for this i have no idea, what with her impossibly bad guitar practice every day, a continual cooking of vegetarian curries, the weeding the chamomile lawn, the imminent return to her salsa class, cleaning out the sushi and her many many visits to the chiropractor, she is now spending an evening a week with a bunch of wild kids that are absolutely nothing to do with her.

'It's all about community spirit', she says,
'What you put into the community you get back,' she says,
'Its rewarding and enjoyable and it costs nothing,' she says.

'You're going to look a right plum in your uniform,' I say.

Nevertheless she is quite determined to make a success of this new venture and I suppose if she's happy, then i'm happy, although i would like to know who is going to feed me when she's gone camping with the little tearaways - she must have noticed by now that i cant open the pouches myself. Lets face it, there would be little need for her to hang around if I could!

Oh well, back to the duvet.

Dob Dob Dob!


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