Saturday 17 April 2010

Bad Books!

Today the big pink Blob who feeds me and I fell out and she's still not talking to me.

I was happily sunning myself in the garden, when two people turned up. I thought that Bob would like to be alone with her friends so i hightailed it over the fence, then snuck in the front and hid in the bedroom.

Nobody told me that they had come in part to see me!

Anyway as soon as they had gone, Blob called me names and hasn't spoken to me since. To be honest she has had other things on her mind since we fell out; making an egg and lentil curry; fixing the dishwasher that refused to empty and then leaked all over the kitchen; and then cleaning out the sushi so i can see them.

Finally, she constructed a bee home. This is now hanging in the garden. It looks very much like a goats milk carton from the outside.
You have to get underneath it to see its elegant workings.
She thinks its a work of art! I think its a milk carton with a load of rolled up paper tubes stuffed in it, padded with cotton wool balls and paper.

If it gets a sniff of interest from a passing ant i'll be impressed!

Its now getting close to supper time so I might have to put on the sweet and loving facade and rub up against her legs and purr. It makes me quite the hypocrite, but a cats gotta eat!

Here's to Hypocracy!


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