Sunday 25 April 2010

Digging up the Past

Or perhaps digging in the present is more apt. This week I noticed that my Blob keeps on digging holes in the garden. Granted she fills them in again once she's planted something, but she definitely keeps digging.

Because I am a helpful cat, I thought that whilst she is out earning money to buy me food I would help her.

Being a cat I cannot manage the hoover or the dishwasher, but I can dig, so dig I did!

I dug holes the garden, especially where the earth was nice and soft where she had planted pumpkins. I dug holes in her radishes, in her carrots and finally, in her Aloe Vera tub in the living room.

Before you think any the worse of me, I didn't do anything in the holes, I just dug them.

When Blob came home, she found the holes and all I can say is that she ought to wash out her mouth with soap and water. Her language was quite unacceptable.

You can't win in this place, I may as well just sleep all day for all the thanks I get for anything else.

Unappreciatedly yours


1 comment:

  1. Could have done with you at the allotment today, Bob. You could have dug as many holes as you wanted there. Except where we planted carrots, basil and lettuce, of course.
