Tuesday 1 March 2011

From Dead Authors to Living Ones

The living author in question is Terry Pratchett. He is one of Blobs particular favourites and she reads his grown up books alongside those for younger readers with enthusiasm. However the other day she picked up a book that was slightly different. This one was about the world - the real one - the one that we are living in except a long time ago, (and with the history being a bit different).

It was called "Nation", and involved shipwrecks in the Pelargic Ocean, tidal waves and survivors and it also spoke about duty, politics, science and love. It was quite beautiful according to Blob, but if this was the case - why did her face leak so much as she finished it. And then every time she thought about it for the next few days.

Blob is very strange - a book is beautiful and she leaks. I am beautiful and she swears a lot.

I sometimes wonder if I would be better treated if I were a book.

Perhaps ... but then there wouldn't be any hot dead animal to gorge on!

And she'd leave me on the edge of the bath all day!


1 comment:

  1. Hurrah for Terry Pratchett! And it was Blob who got me into Pratchett many years ago when she recommended 'The Hogfather' to me.

    She has amazing taste!

    And perhaps you are like a book, Bob - easily read???
