Wednesday 2 March 2011

These boots were made for walking ...

Blob helped organise a jumble sale on Saturday in aid of Cubs. A jumble sale by all accounts is where lots of Blobs turn up in the morning with bags and bags of stuff they dont want any more.

Then my Blob and her friends lay it out all neat (a little bit of an exaggeration) on tables around a room then wait til 2.00 pm when there a huge queue of people wanting to get in. When they get in there is a rush for about half an hour where the big queue turns into a grasping melee.

"Im not paying £1 for that (five matching cups and saucers) its not a complete set - call it 20p!"

"If it was a complete set, it would be worth at least £5, £1 is a bargain!"

"I'll leave it and i'll come back later and get 'em for 20p - you'll see."

Well she came back later and Blob told her it had been sold for £1.50 so she missed out on a bargain.

First of all she got sworn at and secondly felt obliged to put £1.50 in the pot at the end because she had hidden the cups and saucers and lied.

Blob did however show great restraint and didn't try suggesting that people could perhaps have cleaned their teeth before leaning into her face and offering her 5p for a 100 piece jigsaw.

And she did come away with a really funky (Blob's word) pair of boots.

They are very heavy - and Blob reckons that if she keeps on wearing them she'll have great buttocks.

They also make her couple of inches taller which means she can look down on a few people. Not all the people because lets face it, she's shorter than everyone without boots, so a couple on inches doesn't actually make her taller than very many people - but its a start.

She calls them her 'Kicking Boots' and from my perspective, I need to get out of the way - I don't for one minute think she would actually try to kick me, but she is clumsy at the best of times and you can see where I'm going with this!

Ooh just located a pile of clean laundry to kip on and not a boot in sight!


1 comment:

  1. Jumble sales scare me. Being forced to work the stalls at many a Girls' Brigade jumbly when I was a mere youngster has scarred me for life. Some of those old biddies can be terrifying when you stand between them and a bargain.

    We laughed like drains about you hiding the cups and saucers though!! (Tee hee!!)
