Monday 21 March 2011

Crochet for Beginners

This week Blob took up Crochet.

Now before anyone thinks she has gone 'Girly' she wants to point out that Crochet is not a Girly sport, it is more of an 'Earthy' hobby, like Gardening, Brick Laying and Fire Starting.

So on Saturday, she took up her earthy looking crochet hook and wool and began to teach herself to crochet.

"The first thing you need to create is a circle", she said, "Ill worry about the other shapes later."

So her first circle looked like this:

Which as you can see resembles a little hat.

Second attempt looked like this:

This one was definatlely circular, but the edges were just too big for the centre.

The third one however was like this:

Which as you can see lay flat, and was circular - Hooray!

So pleased was she with this attempt, that she proceeded to use the rest of the wool to create what she refers to as a 'Hat'. I feel I need to tell you that because I dont think its particularly clear from the picture.

And before anybody asks - it does look as silly when she puts it on.

What was worse was the fact that she expected me to model one of her attempts and what was I supposed to do .... succumb, obviously.

Indignity doesnt even begin to cover it!

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry, Bob. Andy tries to balance things on Phoebe all the time - newspapers, cushions, apple cores, mugs - to see how long it takes before she wakes up. It's a human thing.

    But the hat looks pretty darn good! You suit hats. I am very impressed at Blob's crochet skills. My Gran tried to teach me to crochet years and years ago and gave up. It's the one craft I've never been able to master. Think yourself lucky you have such a talented owner.
