Thursday 17 March 2011

Buddhism for Blobs

Blob has for some time now tried to live a good karmic life. This means that if she does good things then life goes well and if she does bad things then things go wrong. She also believes in a universal consciousness and reincarnation.

Because of this she thought she should dig out her book on Buddhism and see if she was missing a trick.

Apparently she should be travelling up the road to enlightenment and to do this she needs to (amongst other things) follow a few ground rules.

One of these rules is to never take another life. Well obviously my Blob is not an axe murderer, but this particular rule suggests that she should give up meat.

Blobs main problem with the meat thing is me. She decided this the other night when she watched me dance the feline dance of death with a mouse that didn't see me coming. She watched me with some disgust as I nimbly threw it against the wall on one side of the sitting room and then against the one on the opposite side, as I managed to drop it in her boot and get it out again, and as I pretended to lose interest so it thought it could hobble off and get away, and then caught up with it at the door.

She realised that even though she could probably quit meat, I couldn't - it would go against my very nature, and nature is very important for Blob.

And if she was to travel the road to enlightenment, I would have to go with her, obviously, because who would feed me if I didn't.

So on this first foray into the realms of spiritual discipline, Blob has been thwarted, mainly by me, my mice and if she's honest bacon sandwiches!

Oh well, who needs enlightenment anyway!


1 comment:

  1. You may not want to hear this, but ever keen to help your Blob on her way to Enlightenment, the cat-eats-meat malarkey could be partially addressed by doing what I do which is feed Phoebe, Tybalt and Pandora on dried food which contains all the nutrients for optimum feline health and is darned good for the teeth, too. It has meat in it, but it doesn't look like meat or smell like meat. It's meat-by-stealth. Just a thought...

    And quit with the mices, will you? You don't know where they've been.
