Thursday 3 March 2011

All is not well in Blob's World!

The beloved Blob who feeds me has a sister and a neice. The neice is actually quite nice according to Blob, she must get that from her sister because niceness is not a trait one would associate with Blob and before anyone jumps up and down and gets on the blower to Blob and tells her, she is quite in agreement with me on this particular issue.

Anyhow I digress. The neice wanted to go and visit her Granny. This caused some consternation between Blob and her sister. And before anyone jumps up and down and gets on the blower ..... the reason they were a bit worried is because Granny, i.e. Blob and her sister's mother does not live in a leafy cul de sac an hour or so away where they could pop into for a nice cup of tea and a sticky bun and then get home again in time for Casualty. No. As regular readers will know, Blobs mother lives in Cornwall which is a good 5/6 hours away, and she doesnt live in a house that one could just pop into for a cup of tea and said sticky bun, no, she in fact lives in a house that is full to bursting of 'stuff' with a generous coating of dust.

The word stuff conjures up many things to many different people but I am assured that the stuff in Blobs mother's house is all those things and probably a whole lot more! And shes not joking about the dust either!

Anyway the trip was planned, and this wasnt an easy matter, because both Blob and her sister have busy schedules and work and social committments. At last a date was agreed on and a hotel was booked for the three of them (it was going to be a camp site but Blobs neice decided she was far too much of a girl to stay under canvas - please note the eye rolling and tutting that accompanies that statement!)

Once all the above was done, Blobs neice wrote to her Granny (this was her idea after all) and told her when they would be visiting.

Job Done!!

Well so they thought (and now would be a good time for some 'dum dum dum' ominous music)- Blobs sister received a call from her mother and her neices Granny - who are one and the same person just in case anyone is getting confused.

Her mother stated that unfortunately she would be away staying with a friend (this is a friend who walks all over her and gets her to babysit her dogs)and could Blob and her sister make it another week.

Well the answer was no, there was no other week that they could make it because of work mainly, but obviously Blobs mother wasn't about to change a visit to a bossy friend with dogs.

Well the logical conclusion to this is that Blobs mother would rather spend time with her friend and her dogs than make time for her daughters and her grand daughter, and lets face it, if that is the case, why on earth should Blob and her sister let down scouts, cubs, jobs and husband or anything else that they would prefer to be doing than spend time with their Mother.

Anyway, with Blobs mother/nieces granny (who are still one and the same person) out of the cornish equation, Blob and her sister and neice are looking forward to a trip down memory lane in Polzeath, Rock, Padstow, Tintagel and Cream Teas! (Cream Teas is not a place, more of a thought, and as everyone knows, thought is energy, and energy creates matter! That means that they just have to think of a cream tea and 'pouff' just like magic it will manifest itself.)

I shall be mainly thinking of beef, medium rare and a blazing fire in the hearth for the next few hours - just in case! (I wonder if it will work for cats?)


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