Friday 11 June 2010

Its not been a good week.

Well, when I say not been a good week, I dont mean for me. My week has been pretty much as any other week. I slept, I ate, I slept, I went out, I digged, I stalked, I ate, I slept.

For my blob however, in human terms her week has not been as good as it could have been.

It started OK with a Bootfair at the weekend which was lots of fun, but she did bring quite a bit home again. But on Monday, she woke up somewhat hayfevered and was a bit fuggy for most of the day.

Tuesday morning she managed to spray air freshener on her armpits and all day kept getting whiffs of apple flavoured bathroom spray for the rest of the day.

On Wednesday she went off to get her scout uniform and was a little depressed because she had to get mans sizes.

Thursday was uneventful but on Friday things have perked up a bit as she is taking some friends to a Scout Fundraising Race Night. Thats in a couple of hours, but right now, she is slobbed out on her sofa grinning inanely at the workdays end and a peanut butter and cheese sandwich.

I fail to see what the human race finds so attractive about peanut butter and why would they mix it with cheese, or jam or chocolate spread, or all the other disgusting combinations that i have been unfortunate enough to witness.

Heres hoping that next week is better - if for nothing else - my own sanity!


1 comment:

  1. ((((((Blob)))))))

    I hope you have a better week this week, you mad bat!
