Wednesday 30 June 2010

Deserted yet again.

I knew this togetherness was too good to last - just when we have settled into a 'water the garden and then snuggle on the sofa' routine every evening, the big pink blob buggers off to Cornwall for a few days.

But not only did she leave me, she got some complete stranger called Jeremy to come in and feed me.

Jeremy was obviously so taken with my glorious good looks and amenable nature, the first thing he did was try to pick me up and cuddle me ... I'm not sure who was more shocked ... Me because someone i don't know wanted to slather me in kisses, or Jeremy because he couldn't actually get me off the ground.

Sometimes it's good to be big boned!

She came home on Monday, and should now perhaps be referred to as the brown blob, because she's changed colour - something to do with the sun I believe.

I'm not one for open displays of affection, but it was nice to get back to snuggles on the sofa - not that i'll let brown blob know however - there are limits.

Yours contentedly


1 comment:

  1. Please could you refrain from using the word 'slather' in further Bob Blog's? Only it sets my teeth on edge.

