Monday 31 May 2010

Faith in Human Nature

Some times my Blob is accused of being naive.

Some people tut and roll their eyes because they think she's daft.

Occasionally people get exasperated with her.

But Blob stoically ignores them and retains her weird faith in Human Nature.

I'll be honest, im not sure quite what human nature is unless it involves pandering to my every whim, but I guess its a human thing.

For example:
  • Blob doesn't chain her bike up outside her house because she believes that her neighbours are trustworthy.
  • She won't lock the door at night if the other blob is due in late because she firmly believes that univited people won't come in.
  • She also thinks nothing of giving a pound to people struggling at the supermarket to find change for a trolley.
Today Blob walked out of her front door to find that her front gate that has been broken for two years since 'trick or treaters' kicked it down was fixed. A man who lives three doors up has been helping the neighbours with their front garden fence just took it upon himself to fix it for her. It wasn't a huge job and it was one that Blob could have done her self with a little motivation, but it didn't matter - he had drilled some new holes in the bricks, put up a new piece of wood with a makeshift latch on it and it looks great.

Blob was delighted - she's been strutting around the house all afternoon celebrating human nature and how nice the majority of people are.

She is going to make him a nice gooey pudding tomorrow night to say thank you.

So I say thank you too! I say thank you for Blob being happy because i get second suppers and I say thank you for making gooey puddings because I get to lick the cream bowl when she's finished or when she's not looking (whichever comes first).

Happy Days!


1 comment:

  1. Awwwww...this really made me smile. Hurrah for you both! And the nice gate-fixer man!
