Saturday 19 June 2010


Never before have i been so ignored. Blob has discovered a mmog on her iphone. Mmog apparently stands for massively multiplayer online game. This stands for a game she plays with thousands of complete strangers on her phone.

She started with a city and has built it up to three cities with soldiers and everything. She now goes around and attacks other people, has joined an alliance where she has friends who help her and she helps when they are attacked and all the time she is making more soldiers and upgrading her defences.

I wouldnt mind so much if she actually went places with real soldiers but she just sits on her bum playing on her iphone.


I get fed late, and sometimes i creep up and put my head on her knee and she looks up all blurry eyed like she doesnt know who I am.

Anyway, if it were just that I could cope, but no, she has also taken to watching Big Brother.

"I watched the First One, and I shall watch the last one. I ignored all the others, but this is history in the making." she says .

"No" I say, "this is official get the rspca social services in to stop me being neglected."

I don't ask for much - a warm bed, regular meal times and the tiniest bit of affection ...

Sure as hell ain't getting it here.

Yours neglectedly


1 comment:

  1. Don't worry, Bobster. It'll all pass in good time. It's a human thing - being fixated on one thing to the exclusion of all others. But because we are human, we generally lack the wherewithall to make obsessions a permanent part of our lives.

    She'll be back to normal soon. And I use the word 'normal' in the loosest possible sense of the word!
