Wednesday 30 June 2010

It's all gone horticulturally mad!

On the way back from the auction, the brown (was pink once) blob popped into Wisley.

Blob likes Wisley because she considers it to be an extension to her garden being only 20 minutes away down the A3.

Some of you may remember her visit to Wisley earlier in the year when it was a bit wintry and bleak, so you now get to see how green and lovely it is in June.

The picture on the left is a resplendant Weeping Silver Lime and the one on the right is a Tupelo. You may remember the picture of this one earlier in the year with no leaves on. This particular tree is known as the Wisley Bonfire because of the amazing colours in the Autumn. Blob will endeavour to get a picture of it when the leaves turn.

This bush is a Philadelphus.

Blob is going to get one of these to replace the Hebe in the front garden. I have no problem with bushes in the front garden because i get to hide under them when Blob thinks I'm out hunting. This particular bush smells of bubble gum, which although sounds awful is actually gorgeous when its naturally occurring.

The picture here is of bamboos and was taken for no other reason than Blob thought it was amazing.

The new rose garden has not yet been constructed, it is due to be opened in 2011. Blob is hoping to see the plants in by the end of this year, but the old rose garden is still blooming lovely (did you see what i did there!!)

I suspect Blob will have a further update on Wisley later in the year.


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