Wednesday 30 June 2010

Going Going Gone

Today the big brown blob went to an auction.

This apparently is a big room full of old stuff and lots of people (some of whom were as old as the old things), with a man on a lectern shouting numbers whilst the old people waved, nodded and winked at him.

Blob seems to think that this is very similar to flirting, what with all the waving, winking and nodding going on but was told that she had to stop winking, waving and nodding at everyone unless she wanted to buy something. Life is so not fair!

This is all part of her major de-clutter - she has been doing boot fairs, selling on ebay and the good stuff has gone to auction.

Well, on the proceeds of today, Blob will not be giving up work and becoming a lady that lunches, she will however be able to get her electrics done - maybe!

She also discovered that the auction place she went to, has a specialist book auction section so she is going to start de-cluttering her bookshelves - she does love a good de-clutter.

She is hoping that her mother (who she went to see when she was in Cornwall) will also start to de-clutter, but that as they say, is quite another story. (More like a fairy tale than just a story).

With luck some of the proceeds will be syphoned off into the Blob loves Bob fund?

A cat can dream!


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