Sunday 20 June 2010

Another Domestic Goddess moment!

I wandered down stairs this afternoon hoping wistfully for a kebab or cod in batter and came across a strange nightmarish hallucination.

My Blob was sitting on the sofa with a needle and cotton and was actually sewing badges on her scout shirt. This is not something I see very often, if ever. I have seen her cook, and I occasionally see her clean. I have been unimpressed by her weekly ironing bouts, and she hurls her make up on in about 90 seconds. I have seen her crouched over a sewing machine with her tongue attractively sticking out of the side of her mouth whilst she runs up curtains and cushion covers, but this was a first.

Needle in hand, she squinted painfully as she stitched six badges on her shirt and one on her beret.

Then, when I thought I could laugh no more, she starts hemming her scout trousers.

My sides still hurt, just thinking about it.

What's next? A cross stitch sampler? Crocheted quilt squares? Embroidered smock dresses?

My poor heart can't take the hilarity.


1 comment:

  1. Ah, but we are talking about the woman who, after finishing her O level Geography exam, announced that she filled her entire answer paper writing about sheep farming in Wales being important for the knitting industry. She said she even drew pictures...

    Whether she jested or not, I don't know, but I reckon there lay the start of an artisan in the making!
