Saturday 20 February 2010

Cornwall? Part 1

There's incredulity brewing at chez moi at the moment, but so you'll understand fully, ill give you the story from the beginning. This is a tale that will require splitting into parts and this is Part 1.

About a year ago Blobs mother rang and the conversation as far as I could hear went something like this:

Mother: Hello darling, I'm moving!
Blob: OK?
Mother: I'm moving to Cornwall.
Blob: Yes?
Mother: Well I'm going to die.
Blob: What, like next Tuesday?
Mother: Well I was thinking of Friday week!
Blob: I suppose that's a blessing.
Mother: Well what I mean to say is that one day my house will be your's and Rachaels.
Blob: I expect so.
Mother: So I wanted to know where you like me to buy a house.
Blob: Right.
Mother: So where would you want me to buy one?
Blob: Bermuda!
Mother: No, I'm moving to Cornwall.
Blob: So why ask me?
Mother: Because you and Rachael will own it one day.
Blob: And?
Mother: Well I wanted to get something in a place that you and Rachael would like.
Blob: So Bermuda is out of the question then?
Mother: Yes, I'm moving to Cornwall.
Blob: I don't want a house in Cornwall.
Mother: But you'll get it one day.
Blob: So why are you asking me for my preferences?
Mother: Because one day it will be yours and Rachaels....................................

I got a headache at this point and went to bed. But hopefully I have set the scene.

And here endeth Part 1.


1 comment:

  1. Similar conversation at my Mum's a few years back...'This house will be yours and your brother's one day...oh no it won't, I've given it to him because he's crap at business and has too much debt to be able to manage without having his inheritance now, and yours too. Still, you don't mind do you?

    Did that sound bitter?? Because it was darn well meant to!!

    Disinherited Denise
