Friday 12 February 2010

All by myself.

Don't wan't to be all by myself anymore.

Thats a human song, but oh so relevant at the moment.

She went away again - left me all on my own for the night. The other blob was there but its not the same.

I had bite marks all over my head and my left ear and the other blob never once noticed. Probably because she is what they call allergic to fur, and getting close to me is quite out of the question, let alone picking me up and making sure i was all in one piece.

So when my blob got home last night i tried to show her all my sore bits whilst she was getting ready for bed and when she showed no inclination to have a look, i made her see them by trying to sit on her face when she was in bed.

Did she stroke me? No!

Did she lovingly check out the scabs and make sure there was no infection? No!

Did she say trite things like "Who's been hurting my little bob?" No!

She pushed me away with the words "Get your stinky bottom out of my face Cat!", then turned over and went to sleep.

There's words for blobs like her - both human and cat words come to think of it. But I don't want to offend my followers so I wont regale you with them.

Off to tend my wounds now seeing as no one else will.



  1. Poor Bob. Phoebe, Tybalt and Pandora have all asked me to send their sympathies.

    Pandora says, 'Would you like to run away with us three to find the Wizard of Oz?'

    (But I suspect the deal is on only if she gets to be Dorothy.) xx

  2. I might well be interested in joining you for a trip to oz, but only if we leave after breakfast and i get back in time for supper. I have my routine you know!
