Tuesday 2 February 2010

Oh my gawd - what next?!

I'll keep this short, but blob has just written what she calls a poem (or to be more technically correct a 'Verse' I believe that there is a technical difference, but Blob says that grown ups write poems so she writes verse - she says that she gets more fun that way).

To be honest, I'm not sure exactly what a poem or a verse is, but here it is anyway.

Its called The Path

"Oh happy hippy woman

You always wear a smile,

Although the world whirls round you,

And has done for a while.”

“How do you stay so calm

Whilst the chaos hits the fan?

I need to know your secret,

Please tell me, if you can.”

The happy hippy woman

Smiled her happy hippy smile,

And said “Of course I’ll tell you

If you can sit a while.

If you stay and watch the flowers grow

And share a herbal tea,

I’ll tell you all you want to know –

Just spend some time with me.”

“Oh happy hippy woman

With your happy hippy smile,

I don’t have the time to linger.

I cannot stay a while.”

“For I am far too busy

With so many things to do.

I just can’t spare a minute

To sit a while with you.”

So the happy hippy woman

Smiled her happy hippy smile

And she hugged me oh so tightly

In her happy hippy style.

She said, “Then I can’t help you!”

And with a happy hippy laugh

She walked off to watch the flowers grow

Along her chosen path.

The style is apparently inspired by one of her favourites - Dr Seuss but that seems unimportant compared to the smile on her face as she went up to bed.

The only words I could make out as she passed me on the stairs were 'I'm Back!'

Strange goings on indeed.


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