Friday 26 February 2010

Not a Cornwall Story ...

You may be expecting Part 3 of our Cornish Saga, but we have to interrupt this transmission because of events here in my house. Blob and for those of you who don't know, Blob is the big pink Blob wot looks after me when she can be bothered, has hurt her back.

One might possibly ask - 'what stupid activity was she taking part in in order to hurt her back?' to which the honest answer would be, 'In this particular instance, she was doing nothing, be it stupid or otherwise.'

No, really, she woke up on Monday morning just gone unable to stand. She muddled through a couple of days, then gave in and went to see the Osteopath who according to Blob is a very nice man. So nice in fact that she spends 45 minutes with him and comes home and cries because he's hurt her so much.

She has seen him twice this week, and i'm not sure - mainly because i'm no expert - but i think the pain is subsiding a little bit and her mobility is beginning to increase although watching her struggle out of bed and crawl to the bathroom on all fours is quite amusing (especially when i jump on top for a ride! You should hear the language!)

The real test will be tomorrow because she has a friend coming for dinner, and she has a list as long as her arm of things to do. Actually, that's a silly phrase - no idea where it came from - Blobs list is as long as an A5 piece of paper. It might as well be as long as her arm however, because she is going to take twice as long as she should because at the moment she cant bend or lift.

Actually she can bend a little because I'm still getting fed, and that involves bending.

Which means its not all bad!

I will update soon.


1 comment:

  1. Poor Blob...this is not good. I shall send some hokery-pokery jiggery-piggery healing vibes out forthwith.

    And you, young Bob, shall look after her properly and stop mocking. Sit on her lap and BE NICE. Purr, pad (no claws, mind), and read her some poetry.

    And get your own dinner.
