Monday 16 August 2010

Who'd of thought it.

This morning, I was fast asleep, curled up in my duvet whilst Blob struggled to get herself under a corner (she really needs to lose some weight - then she'd fit better under the corner that I leave her.

Anyway, I was asleep, and suddenly there was a whole load of banging and shouting. The other Blob came tearing into my room and woke up Blob.

"Quick, there's Police smashing next doors front door in."

Well I've never seen Blob move so fast and the two Blobs peeped out of windows and got all excited about a dawn raid on their neighbours house. There were even dogs being brought in in order to sniff out whatever it was the neighbours had been caught doing.

Drugs or money they reckon, although the second blob reckoned it might be people trafficking, until my Blob pointed out that you wouldn't need a dog to sniff out an illegal immigrant in houses our size. Its not like anyone could hide under the floor boards or in the airing cupboard and need a dog to sniff them out - not unless the policemen in question had extremely bad eyesight, and if that were the case, then they wouldn't be policemen - would they?

And during all this excitement, what was I doing? Hiding under the bed, is what I was doing!

That is until, Blob, who wanted a closer look at the policemen, wandered into the front garden under the guise of someone calling the cat!

"Bob!" she called, and "Bob!" again. She made a cursory scan of the bushes and smiled at the Policemen whilst calling "Bob!" once more. However her cover was blown when I decided to see what she wanted and followed her out of the front door. Embarrassed doesn't cover it!

I am a bad kitty!!!


1 comment:

  1. Well, you were only responding to the call of your name, weren't you? I think that makes you a very good kitty, and shame on your Blob for trying to involve you in fraudulent behaviour in the first place! I mean, come on Blob, where's the old style? In future, just strut out there, hang over the shrubbery and go 'Phoarrrrrrrrrrrrr!!'

    And am I detecting a pattern here? Scouts? Police?? Uniforms???
