Saturday 7 August 2010

Breathing My Last ... Maybe.

Where was I?

Oh yes, Blob had deserted me, the tv, the sofa and her bed for a tent in the New Forest.

But she hadn't gone alone - oh no - she was accompanying the 8th/14th Epsom Air Scouts on their Summer Camp.

"Ha", I thought, "Blob stuck for a week with a load of kids, that'll learn her," but no, she had a ball and came back with a huge smile on her face, very brown arms and shoulders and all the smells on her clothes smelt of good times, albeit a bit pungent good times, but good times nonetheless.

Blob has discovered that she is particularly good with 10 - 14 year olds. To my mind this is because she has not progressed maturity wise since that point, and I doubt if she would disagree!

She enjoyed their company so much that she ate with them most nights, and is still alive. She watched over them as they went climbing, abseilling and doing the leap of faith and she actually joined in when they did the zip wire.

She also flirted with all the instructors, lectured anyone that would listen about the damage we are doing to the environment, and drank cider (obviously not when the Scouts were looking)!

So this is what Blob does in preference to spending quality time with me, especially since i have a disease - have I told you about my disease?

She is back now, she spent a day in Glasgow this week, but is now happily slobbed out on the sofa watching Casualty and in a few minutes i will be crashed out across her legs.

Happy Happy Days (Apart from the disease bit)


1 comment:

  1. Do not worry about the disease, Bob; I have consulted a highly respected veterinary surgeon on your behalf and he says it isn't life-threatening and treatment is unnecessary (and then he muttered something about shyster-types trying to extort unnecessary money from their clients, or sumfin or nuffin').

    Floss, that's what I say. Or chew a leg off an expensive chair.
