Monday 23 August 2010

Half a Pouch!

Half a blooming pouch - I ask you. She got home tonight and said, "Bob!" Probably because that's my name, "Bob", she said, "You are on a diet with immediate effect."

I'll be honest, I wasn't sure what that meant, but I was sure it involved food - mainly because it was supper time and Blob was heading in the direction of the kitchen.

So I did my usual purring and rubbing routine because that usually ends with me getting food, and then bounced enthusiastically towards my bowl, only to be confronted with the smallest portion of cat food you have ever seen. As if it wasn't enough that i have to eat processed muck without a tail or pair of ears with it (granted that is probably my fault for not catching my own,) but to be confronted with a half portion - it wasn't on.

So cross was I, that i made a point of licking the fish food flakes off the floor and the work surface, and then rummaging through the clean laundry. I then tried to climb a plant pot and knock her diet coke over before i collapsed, too weak to do anything due to lack of nutrition.

Its been all I could do to get this, possibly my last ever blog, out to my viewing public.

Yours falteringly



  1. The Phoebster has been losing weight slowly over the last year and is down by about 4 lbs. This has resulted in a couple of visits to the surgery for various blood tests for diabetes, thyroids problems, kidney failure and other ageing cat disorders, all of which have come back negative.

    And then we realised that the weight loss co-incided with the arrival at the Manor of the Pandora kitten. And maybe Phoebs is losing weight because she is frolicking more, caught up in the joie de vivre of the youngster??

    So I reckon you should go on the kitten diet. Persuade Blob to get you a little playmate. But you mustn't eat it!
