Saturday 7 August 2010


I am truly sorry that my Blog has been somewhat neglected over the past few weeks, however it would be fair to say that I too have been neglected, proportionally in fact to the neglect of my Blog.

Blob has seen fit to spend time in Leeds, Birmingham, Newcastle, Bristol during the weeks, leaving the other blob to feed me. She has then spent her weekends either sleeping, entertaining or doing boot fairs.

So what do I do whilst Blob is having a fun and active life ... I sit on the sofa and wait for her ... I eat ... I sleep ... I hide in the front garden in case she comes home ... I think up unpleasant things to do to the other blob ... I do unpleasant things to the other Blob ... More eating ... More sleeping ... More unpleasantness.

At last however, I cottoned on to the fact that she had a week off coming up, and my little feline mind was filled with happy pictures of lazy mornings in bed and equally lazy afternoons on the sofa!

My happy feline thoughts were in this case wrong.

Friday afternoon, she came home early, and promptly shoved me into a box and took me to the vets. There they stuck me with a needle and told us that I had peridentalthingummywotsit disease.

A disease! I have a disease! So what does Blob do ... takes a cursory look at her insurance papers, decides that my disease isn't covered, decides that she cant afford it and that is that.

So I have a disease and Blob is too mean to get me fixed. I ask you, what sort of a home is this?

Then whilst i am still coming to terms with the fact that I have a disease that will not be fixed cos Blob is too cheap to fix it, she packs up the car with her camping stuff and sods off to the New Forest for a week.

She left me! I could be dying! Granted I have no idea what peridentalthingummywotsit disease is, but i could be breathing my last, and she left me!

Too traumatised just thinking about it to continue .....


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