Tuesday 4 May 2010


Blob's not so little niece was talking to her mother the other day and the conversation apparently went a little like this:

Amber: Mum, is it good or bad to have big tits?
Rachael: Well, it depends, why?
Amber: Well, is it a nice thing to have big tits?
Rachael: OK, yes, it is quite nice but not if they're too big.
Amber: So is it nice for someone to tell you that you have big tits?
Rachael: I suppose that if someone you care about says that you have big tits and they are being nice, then it would be ok. Why all the questions?
Amber: Well why was that woman so upset when Gordon Brown said she was Big Titted?

Blob's sister still hasn't worked out if Amber was telling a joke or being serious.

I suspect that the same can be said of Gordon Brown.


1 comment:

  1. My how we laughed at the Manor at the that one! Well done, Amber, joking or not!
