Friday 28 May 2010

Boys Eyes

Quite often, Blob is accused of having Boys Eyes. Apparently this means that she just doesnt see for looking. She doesnt notice hair cuts or clothes, she can be told to tidy her desk, but she just doesnt see the mess!

Her latest escapade proves this theory completely!

She dyed her roots the other night. It was getting late and she was tired (this is an excuse!).

Once the dye had taken, she rinsed it and washed it with the hand shower thingy, then ran the bath.

Whilst this was running, she pottered around the bathroom and did bathroom kinds of things if you get my drift!

She had a bath, ran it out, washed the bath (she is very domesticated in some respects) and before she went to bed, had a quick look round to make sure it was all clean and tidy.

It was.

She swears blind that it was.

It just so was.

Anyway, next morning the other big pink blob came out of the bathroom and asked if she was ok.

The reason for this was that the bathroom looked as if there had been a psycho attack. There was red splatter up the walls above the bath, behind the loo, on the floor and all over the loo seat.

Blob insisted that it hadnt been there last night - because it hadn't, it very definately hadn't.

Anyway, she and the other blob have been bleaching the dye off the walls and the loo seat, and scrubbing the tiles.

To be completely honest - the other blob has been doing most of the scrubbing but according to my Blob, that is because she has girls eyes! Obviously!

So apparently the lesson here is that Boys eyes are not just for Boys!


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