Thursday 27 May 2010

Busy Busy Busy

We've been awfully busy in the last couple of weeks, and that is why my Blogs have been a bit thin on the ground.

What on earth have you been doing? I hear you cry across the ether.

Well where to begin:
  • Scouts on Monday - we like scouts - Blob likes the kids because they are a bit wild, and run the leaders ragged. They are Air Scouts and as such must be certified by the RAF. Our RAF inspection is on the 2nd July. This is a big night and Blob is in charge of building a pizza oven on the bbq pit and making, cooking and serving edible pizzas on the night! Best prep the local hospitals for an abundance of ecoli cases that weekend!.
  • For the last couple of weeks, Blob has been travelling on business - she was in Nottingham last week. Sadly there was no sign of Russell Crowe or Alan Rickman (that was a reference for all of us who watched the Costner version and wanted the Sheriff of Nottingham to win!).
  • She was in Cardiff this week. She had two whole days there this time but didnt go to the doctor who museum this time. She's been four times before and this time decided to slob out in her hotel room and watch the junior apprentice. She cannot be alone in loving this particular reality show. Much better than the adult one.
  • Thursdays, she helps out at a friends Cubs a couple of miles away - tonight however they are at the local college watching an amateur version of The Little Shop of Horrors - theres going to be some tears before bedtime if im any judge of drama. That is a scary musical. The dentist alone would give the kids nightmares, let alone an alien plant eating even the good guys. Blob has seen this in the West End, and the original Jack Nicholson version.
  • Fridays she has started going back to Salsa in the evening and is enjoying a couple of hours of dancing before bed time.
  • With the advent of the good weather last Saturday was weed the chamomile lawn in the back and prune the bushes at the front, move the bulb tubs, and weedkill the unwanted guests growing through the gravel. Shes off to get another couple of sacks of white gravel this weekend and will clean up the front.
  • This weekend coming - she is going to a Eurovision Party - but that as they say, is another story.
So all the above has kind of conspired against any blog writing. But despite the punishing schedule, I will endeavour to get out of bed and keep this a little more uptodate.

Yours exhaustedly


1 comment:

  1. I feel I must reassure on 'The Little Shop of Horrors' front. I produced this show in my last school,and I can safely say that amateur versions are about as scary as 'boo!'

    Even when the Dentist is played by a sixteen year old clearly camp boy who can't sing (or act) for toffee.
