Sunday 30 May 2010

Eurovision Madness!!

The Eurovision Party Blob likes to regularly attend in north Kent was its usual madcap mayhem. Only this year because of a Millwall match men were in short supply.

Her friend Colin turned up but he forgot to bring his costume. Perhaps now is the time to say that it was a Fancy Dress Party. Every one pulls a country name out of a hat, and has to dress as that country and if possible bring some food of that country.

Colin was going to take a bag full of ash from the fire and go as Iceland. But he was forgiven because he brought the roast potatoes and sausage rolls with him and they were bought at Iceland so I guess that counts.

Blobs friend Alison went in red and white with a large array of kitchen implements around her waist on a belt. She was a Swiss Army Wife.

Blob went in a pair of jogging bottoms and a grubby old shirt covered in paint, and carried a bucket of decorating tools. She was Polish but im not sure how Painter Decorators have any connection to Poland.

A jolly good time was had by all, but there was considerable dissappointment in the room that none of the good looking young men won.

Blob quite fancied Boznia and Herzethingy, and Greece and Albania, but it was some German Adolescent with a squeaky voice like that Diane Vickers off the X Factor.

Great Britain came last which was disappointing but kind of expected. Josh was a baby faced young boy who couldn't match the Latin good looks of the Spanish Entry, the macho testosterone filled performance of Boznia and Greece or in fact the ability to hold a tune of most of the other entries.

Bring back Lloyd Webber, that's what Blob says - when he got involved, we came 10th or something which is a lot better than the last place this year or the attempt by Bin Man Andy off the X Factor a couple of years ago.

Oh well, it was all good fun and the food as usual was excellent. I know this because Blob came home late stinking of salami, cheese and calzone.

She didn't bring me any mind - oh no - i had processed chunks that pretend they taste of prawn and she had salami, cheese and calzone (whatever that is).

Yours deprivedly


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