Wednesday 15 April 2009

They think its all over ...

It's finished!

At long long last the food preparation area is finished. Little bit of dust left, bit of grout to clean off, bit of sealant to bung around the place, but ultimately the tooing and froing, the banging and crashing and the mess and noise has finally ended.

I now get to eat in peace, with my bowl put in the same place every day - what luxury.

I also get dust free meals and have not found toe prints in my food bowl for days now.

Heres a picture or two of the kitchen.

The blob is very proud of it. And I have to admit its quite good for a human. She did the tiling herself and was smiling inanely at it for hours once she had finished. She even decided to pick me up and show me the tiles up close. Gosh that was exciting - Not! (Ever had your face pushed up close and personal to a Red Tile and asked for your opinion?)
And now whilst i am curled up on the sofa, i can hear things getting back to normal as the Blob sits here and shouts disgustedly at the tv whilst some advert features a young child wanting to 'have a poo'.
Aaaahhhh bliss!

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