Sunday 22 March 2009

Putting her foot in it!

Oh dear lawd, it's getting worse, i no longer have a permanent eating corner because the blob keeps moving the bowl to avoid the worst hit areas. Because she keeps moving it, she forgets where she put it and then keeps putting her blooming great feet in it. You would not believe the caterwauling (excuse the pun!) that goes on when she does this. The air is positively blue, yet i, as the patient and forgiving victim say nothing (I might perhaps snigger a bit when shes not looking). My food dish is now not just filthy - (we have no sink) - but it has five little plaster prints of her toes in it.

You would have thought that she would have been able to keep the bedroom a kitchen free area, but no, the bedroom is currently playing host to six dining chairs, two enormous house plants, the European dirty laundry mountain and all the cushions from the living room. It also has a large hole in the floor thats too small for me to get into but big enough to attract my feline instincts so i spend hours just sitting there with my head rammed in it.

She also keeps walking in there with her feet and blobby body all covered in plaster, cement, bits of rubble and general mess. My sleeping area is now completely full of dusty bits of kitchen and crumbs of breeze block.

To make things so much worse, she has some sort of cold, and probably exaggerated by the dust, she lies awake all night hacking and sniffing. How on earth am I supposed to sleep with all of this going on. It is so unfair, and when i complain, all i get is the pink blob, sniffing into her tissues with her eyes all red, saying,

"There there, it'll all be over next week."

Too right it will be over next week.

For one, the blob doesn't look like she's going to last much longer, and then who will feed me, footprints or no footprints. (I'd suggest that who would change the bed clothes, but she appears to have given up on this.)

And secondly, I'm not sure I can cope for much longer and my bags are packed and stashed in the bushes in the front garden just waiting for the final straw.

Counting down to VP Day (Vacating Property).


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