Monday 27 April 2009

It wasn't me!

It wasn't me, I didn't do it. Blobs fish have had a few internal struggles, and ultimately, two of them are no more.

I had nothing to do with their demise.

I gather from listening in on her perpetual moaning that only one of them was a bit sick, but then suddenly the little golden one she refers to as "Hugo" appeared to be not only hurrying on the death of the slightly wobbly one known as Eczema, but undertaking a systematic bashing of the cute white one called Celestine, until they both lay dead upon the surface of the water.

What really rankles is that she didn't let me eat them. They may not have been moving about and being sparkly and attractive, but that didn't matter. I could have made them dance like angels before I had my first taste of Sushi.

All she did was pick them out of the water and put them in the bin. What a damned waste of perfectly good food.

She spends all this time and effort in planting home grown produce in the back garden, but she doesn't see the potential of cutting down on my food bills by giving me the dead fish.

Stupid Blob!

Mind you, this Hugo fellow - I rather like the cut of his gib. Nothing better than a fellow creature with murderous territorial tendencies. I shall be keeping a close eye on that fish tank from now on (well more of an eye than I was keeping before hand - which was a fairly close eye to be honest).

1 comment:

  1. Hugo doesn't have pirhana tendencies, does he Bob? I wouldn't be dangling my furry cat paws over the edge of the bowl...just in case...
