Wednesday 29 April 2009

Curiouser and Curiouser

I look back fondly on the old days, and by the old days I am referring to last week, or even the week before, when Blob and I would curl up on the sofa and enjoy a Kebab or Chicken Curry together.

I'll be honest, I don't think she knew that we were sharing (I am very discreet)!

Anyway Blob has decided to go on something called a 'Diet'. I am unsure why but the day she explains anything to me will be a frosty one in Helheim.

I would suggest that she eats the processed muck she gives me and allows me to eat chicken curry and kebabs, but evidently this is not a likely outcome.

She has decided upon something called the Cambridge Diet, although I think the word diet is wrong. Diet would suggest that she eats small and healthy meals (like the processed muck she gives me). What she is actually doing is eating nothing for a few weeks, and just consuming soups and shakes.

OK, so its nothing to do with me, and as long as i get fed regularly, I don't care - but i don't see why we should stop the sharing thing. Sharing is what we do. So why, when she left her soup in the living room when she went to get a glass of water was she so upset when she came back to find me 'sharing it'.

It was Cheese and Broccoli - mmmmmmmm!

I only had a few licks before she shouted but it was very good. So good in fact that i managed to get my paw in it when she reached for the remote control!

Not sure that Blob is liking the diet though - she didn't drink too much more of it after she found a hair in her mouth. (Dunno how that got there!)

But thats Big Pink Blobs for you.



  1. Blimey, is the Cambridge Diet still going? I had a go at that after Chris was born, some 23 years ago now. I hope the soups taste nicer now than they did then.

  2. They are surprisingly yummy. Apart from the one with bob in it!

  3. Thanks for keeping me up to date with your life Bob...I like broccoli and stilton soup me some next time.
    Your admirer
